Lovecraft's Parents


Szerző: Henry Armitage • Dátum: 2003-02-11

Howard Phillips Lovecraft was born on august 20th, 1890, in Providen, capital of Rhode Island State.  

Son of Winfield Scott Lovecraft and Sarah Susan (Phillips) Lovecraft, both of predominant English ancestry. It cannot be said that he had had lucky with her parents. His father was a trade traveller exacting that was under guardianship because mental incapability when Howard was three years old, and the he died five years later by paresis.  

It is curious to check that an author with a very single and little interesting life, like in Lovecraft’s case, have carried to his friends, admirers and detractors to write biography so different like we put follow.  

Others biographers, less benevolent than August Derleth his epistler friend and posthumous editor, show us a figure of his father (recargando las tintas); so for José María Aroca, „his father was a trade traveller that when Howard was three years old, he was jailed because he swindled, and five years later he was died”; Antonio Prometeo Moyá say, „Lovecraft was the son of Windiel Scott Lovecraft, merchant, stinker and syphilitic”, while Rafael Llopis says, „his father was a reveller and stinker traveller that no stayed at home because his wife’s puritanism unendurable and neurotic. When Lovecraft was three years old, his father went into a psychiatric hospital, and there he died because a general progressive paralysis five years later”.  

It’s curious to see that sometime later Rafael Llopis by himself temperate his words in his great Lovecraft’s study like a prolog of “Cthulhu Mythos”.  

An Adult world.  

August Derleth is centered in showing with more detail the figure of Lovecraft’s mother: „His mother was a superprotected lass and courtly, though attractive, bad dressed to go ahead the world; a woman which strong impact because his husband illness and death unload on his son the whole pique she felt against his husband, over all trying to convince to Howard that he was an ugly boy although it was no the true”.  

Like we suppose, Rafael Llopis is going to shade many data from his mother and have he meaning to explain much of the contents of Lovecraft’s work:  

„The mother was a very neurotic woman that capsized over his son the unsatisfied pants and morbid grudges and educated him in the hate to his cad father and to the men in general (that they are all the same). Also show him that he was a very ugly and delicate child and he couldn’t have to play with another children because they are very strong, that persons are dullard and bad, and also he was from pure British race, hence strange to that wild assassins and degenerate lascivious land in that they must live by their unhappy. In consequence Lovecraft was unhealthy bred associated to his mother and he was a scared and timid boy, he grew alone among women—for more details a little bourgeois puritan women and sunken in moral and dusty traditions—whom could no find another escape more than his enormous fantasy”.  

In preliminary study of The Cthulhu Mythos, Mr. Llopis return to insist in the negative and the most decisive figure in the Lovecraft infant formation: „His mother, Sarah Phillips—whose he is a perfect portrait—was a neurotic woman that capsize on small Howard all her unsatisfaction. All the time she said that he was a very ugly child, that he didn’t to have to go on a step far from his skirts, that persons was silly and bad, and that he was from British race because his parents proceeded from England and he was strange to this hideous land. For this he received an aristocratic and ordinary education, for good people come back down but with proud traditions. To keep somebody waiting he grew afraid and superprotected, always between adult persons, lonely, fantastic and repressed”  

„From very small he felt a morbid hate to the sea because of intoxication he ingested fish in bad conditions, in words of his friend Wandrei. Mainly he ate sweets and ice cream and since he was child suffered horrible nightmares, thing that is no strange because the psychology show us the cosmic horror divert from that fear to the empty that so often is induced on second way for superprotected education”.  

Like we suppose the comments from Antonio Prometeo Moyá about the Lovecraft’s mother are going to be the same that about his father: „she was a jawbone woman, like the kings of Habsburg House, but it’s different from these in her trend to suffragist. On a photography in 1891 the child HPL who was dressed and hairdo like a girl is found among his chignon hair and governess look mother and his father with clear eyes and mock grimace who would go into a psychiatric hospital two years later. On March 13, 1919, Susan Phillips who play the piano, hated his son and spoke French, go on his husband steps”.  

From his infancy we have first hand information because Lovecraft by himself write: „From child I was strange and sensible and I preferred the adult persons company. I couldn’t retire a second from any print sheet. When I was two years old I learned the alphabet and when I was four years old I could read easily though I did a lot of mistakes in the pronunciation of long words to whom I was very enthusiast. When I was five years old I wrote with ink appended to my exploit list. I was very unpopular among my little playmate because I insisted to play historical personages, or that we played in accordance to a re-established plan. So I looked for a refuge into the books, I was rejected by human beings”.  

„When I was eight years old I felt very interested in science, without a doubt an interest instigated for curious images from Philosophical and Scientific Instruments of Webster dictionary. Before all I was attracted by chemistry and as soon as possible I installed an small laboratory in my home’s cellar. Then the geography came and I felt a curious fascination about Antarctic Continent and others virgin kingdom from remote wonders. Finally I knew the astronomy and the magic from remote worlds and the cosmic abyss unthinkable was vanish all my interest for a long time until I was eleven years old. At this time, all my continuous and voluminous writings was scientific and classic; the fantastic literature take an small place”. H. P. Lovecraft.  

Also August Derleth is going to do a reference from this period in Lovecraft’s life in next words: „When he was a child, Lovecraft has a relatively lonely and retiring life. He was obligated, by one side by periods of disease frequent and, by other side the possessive feeling from his mother. He was a precocious child. He spent interminable hours into his grandfather’s library, Mr. Wingield V. Phillips, which bookshelf was also aligned the astronomy’s books from his maternal grandmother, a materia about what from infancy he showed a great interest that culminate in youth with publishing by himself of a review titled „The Rhode Island Journal of Astronomy”, this catch up its zenith when he began to publish a monthly article en the Tribune about astrological phenomenon of that time.  

Because he was an only son his existence circumstances brought him to live among adults—his neurotic mother, his maternal grandparents, his maternal aunts—with whom he kept his whole life. His grandmother died when he was six years old and his grandfather when he was fourteen. His mother dropped into an irreversible psychic crisis and she died in 1921 after she spent in Butler hospital for two years and leaving Lovecraft at take care of his sisters, Mrs. Franklin C. Clark and Mrs. Edward F. Gamwell, about whose only the second would survive—during four years—Lovecraft. This constant association around adults was that brought him to take refuge into his imagination world.


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